Sars Commissioner failing Tax Practitioners

For decades the Tax Practitioners have been the main collectors of Sars Debt,since Edward Kieswetter has taken over, the service delivery has become pathetic. I have been waiting for 6 months now for a Tax Representative update -where in the past it would take a week....

Now is the time you need a good accountant

The violence and looting under the guise of protests against former president Jacob Zuma’s incarceration pose a risk to the present economic recovery, undermine the vaccination programme, destroy infrastructure and endanger job losses “The crucial test now...

Immigration Explained

Emigration is the act of moving away from a country, but few people understand that Physical Emigration and Financial Emigration are two entirely separate issues, or that you can do one without necessarily having to do the other. Physical emigration is more than just...

Covid Theft – Need for Ethical Accountants

It is interesting to note that South Africa was not alone in having to contend with an army of fraudsters as soon as it became known that the usual tender checks and balances were to be dispensed with in handing out emergency Covid relief and funds for protective...