Trusts in a Nutshell

There are three types of trusts: 1-Ownership trust–A founder or settlor transfers ownership of assets or property to trustees which are to be held for the benefit of defined or determinable beneficiaries of the trust. 2-Bewind trust–A founder or settlor transfers...

Tax Inspectors without Borders

Ensuring that multinational enterprises pay their fair share of tax is a growing concern worldwide. Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) – a joint initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Development...

Be careful of Billing Fraud

What is billing fraud? It can be described as an employee creating a fake invoice or inflating an existing one to submit and get paid. Most people think they will never be scammed, and then they are. Non-profits and religious organizations often get hit by billing...

Budget Speech in a Nutshell

I am not going to go into detail regards GDP, Gross Public spending or Moodys credit rating that may be effected.. I am going to highlight the R69bn for Eskom restructuring, which is a Provisional figure that will probably increase depending on the size of the tariff...